It was very cold and also very picturesque today. Ideal running conditions, if you've got nice warm kit - which I have.
The snow has nearly all gone now. I can't remember a time when snow has lasted for a month. Normally it's gone in a week. Here's me obeying all the rules of photographic composition while taking a photo of the snow.
The nights are getting longer which augurs well for evening runs in the not-too-distant future. I was out at 4:30 today and it was fine. The longer evenings should also allow me to get some road bike miles in - I'm planning another 90-miler in about 2 months' time.
For those not aware of the winking man. Here's a link:
I found another slightly winking could-be-a-man-if-you-have-a-good-imagination, and the sun was behind it which made for a nice photo and an excuse to stop again. Looking at it again I think the man would have to be wearing a very elaborate hat.
This blog is probably playing havoc with my training as I keep stopping to take photos. I'll try to get serious and just post GPS traces in the summer.