Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Cycling home - hillier than cycling in

I cycled in last Wednesday and left my bike there. Today I cycled home which means I'm forced to cycle in tomorrow as my car is still at work. It's 20 miles each way, so it's like doing 40 miles in a day (only I have a big sleep between legs).

Cycling back from work is harder than cycling in as I work in Knutsford, which is on the Cheshire plain, but live at about 1000 feet in the Peak District. I was thinking the big hill up the A54 was much harder than I expected, but then realised I was still on the big front cog. I suspect Lance Armstrong makes similar mistakes all the time.

I was trying to 'give it some pasty' on the way home and was pleased to do it in about an hour and a half. Tomorrow I'll have to go a bit more slowly as I don't want to be too sweaty for my colleagues. I have a change of clothes at work but no showering facilities. If anyone has any tips on all-over washing using those tiny sinks you get in the toilets, I'd be keen to learn them.


  1. Good effort Noel, I was on my bike yesterday to and from work its 17 miles each way but I only have about 200ft of ascent each way so its pretty steady. I have seen a few people using big baby wipe type things to clean up may be useful for your sink shower. I ma quite lucky as we have a shower room at work by the bike sheds. Good job really as it was pretty hot on the way in yesterday.

  2. Baby wipes! Never leave home without them, great for a standing wash when no facilities, trust me!

  3. Cheers Donkarlo and Emmilou. I'll get some baby wipes in at work.

    I think I'll have to hide them somewhere though. My colleagues would think it a bit weird to see me going into the gents armed with a pack of baby wipes.
